Thursday 29 September 2011

Beyonce magazine cover

To create this magazine cover i used photoshop, first of all we had to chose an image then place it
Then i masked the image using the wand tool
once i had masked this i added the title and text then changed the colour so it suites the image and does not blend in to the background


  1. Carly
    Great work. You have used good masking skills to produce this document. The masking is neat and professional -which is exactly what we need to see.
    This is a merit so far.

    What do you think you could do to make this even better? Think about your choice of font. What do you think Comic Sans font communicates to the reader?

    Well done
    Mr Monahan

  2. i think i could put more information or making the little headings abit more interesting to catch people attentions. i now think Comic sans is a unprofessional font. thanks.

  3. Carly
    You could also improve this by adding appropriate cover lines. One really big one for the main article about the feature image (Beyonce) and then smaller ones. Of course, also make sure the you use alignment correctly

    Mr Monahan
