Friday 25 November 2011

Media Evaluation                                                                                                              By Carly Woollard.

1a) In the Photoshop tasks I developed many skills. I learnt how to mask images and where to place the writing. What colours and shades I should use, how to place images and how to put the rulers in the correct place. I done both Rihanna and Kanye West, in my Rihanna Photoshop task and I think my Kanye West cover was a lot better than my Rihanna piece because I had more time to adjust my mistakes, and I found that the picture was easier to mask, which made my work more presentable as I was able to take my time and mask around the head carefully.
1b) My In Design task, I done a three column layout, and a double page spread. I learnt a lot of things from this task and I now know how to make and present a double page spread and a three column layout. I know how to text wrap and place the writing in the correct place, I learnt how to place pictures and so on.
1c) In then writing copy task, I chose to do Katy Perry and I wrote 200 words about her and Russell’s wedding day. I found this task quite easy, but it was hard to remember everything. I didn’t really learn any new skills in this task as I’ve used Microsoft Word before.
1d) In the script writing task I learnt quite a lot as I’ve never wrote a proper script before, i learnt that by using the TAB key it makes your work stay in line and easier to read. I learnt that i have to write where they are and whether its day or night. I learnt that characters names have to be in capitals at all times.
2) My piece of work I enjoyed doing most was defiantly the script writing as I found it entertaining and a challenge. I also feel I learnt a lot more skills than I did in other tasks. We had a choice of either writing a script about a boy who’s cheating on his girlfriend, or a crazy cab driver taking someone home. I chose to do the girlfriend and boyfriend situation. I finished most of this task and I edited it too.
3) The skills I’m best at is probably masking because it was the first task we done and I’ve now got the hang of it. I am also quite good with the magic wand and quick selection tools because I also needed them whilst masking. I thought my script writing piece was quite good so i would say i have some good skills in that too, but I could do with a bit more practice.
4) I could use some skills in the future for example if I want to be a magazine cover designer and my skills from the Kanye West and Rihanna magazine covers would help a lot. I could also use my script writing skills if I wanted to be a script writer as I now know how to write a script with the appropriate layout.
5) The skills I need to get better at are how to produce a Double Page Layout and a Three Column Layout because I didn’t do so well on that task and needed quite a bit of help. But I can improve this by making my text boxes accurate sizes, and take my time and try not to rush through it, but I should leave myself a bit of time at the end to edit my work.

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