Monday 19 December 2011

Kfc or chinese

Kfc or chinese

To create this radio piece i used 'audacity' and sound editing; I made it so that music plays at the beginning and then starts to talk. i found some of this work easy but sometimes it was difficult to understand where to import and not import the sounds. i found the tools really easy to use.

Monday 5 December 2011

This is a mood board representing what teenage boys and men in there twenties like and are into, i placed many images and then put them in different places.
To create this moodboard i selected a variety of images that would appear in a games magazine for people in there teens and twenties and placed them in different places.

Monday 28 November 2011

To produce this mood board i used microsoft publisher, then i placed different images of pop music artists. I chose these artists because they are some of my favourites and very popular. These are quite young artists so i say this mood board would be aimed at teenagers or people in there twenties. i placed the images slightly tilted as i think it makes it look presentable and eye catching. It isnt completly finished but this is most of it.

Friday 25 November 2011

Media Evaluation                                                                                                              By Carly Woollard.

1a) In the Photoshop tasks I developed many skills. I learnt how to mask images and where to place the writing. What colours and shades I should use, how to place images and how to put the rulers in the correct place. I done both Rihanna and Kanye West, in my Rihanna Photoshop task and I think my Kanye West cover was a lot better than my Rihanna piece because I had more time to adjust my mistakes, and I found that the picture was easier to mask, which made my work more presentable as I was able to take my time and mask around the head carefully.
1b) My In Design task, I done a three column layout, and a double page spread. I learnt a lot of things from this task and I now know how to make and present a double page spread and a three column layout. I know how to text wrap and place the writing in the correct place, I learnt how to place pictures and so on.
1c) In then writing copy task, I chose to do Katy Perry and I wrote 200 words about her and Russell’s wedding day. I found this task quite easy, but it was hard to remember everything. I didn’t really learn any new skills in this task as I’ve used Microsoft Word before.
1d) In the script writing task I learnt quite a lot as I’ve never wrote a proper script before, i learnt that by using the TAB key it makes your work stay in line and easier to read. I learnt that i have to write where they are and whether its day or night. I learnt that characters names have to be in capitals at all times.
2) My piece of work I enjoyed doing most was defiantly the script writing as I found it entertaining and a challenge. I also feel I learnt a lot more skills than I did in other tasks. We had a choice of either writing a script about a boy who’s cheating on his girlfriend, or a crazy cab driver taking someone home. I chose to do the girlfriend and boyfriend situation. I finished most of this task and I edited it too.
3) The skills I’m best at is probably masking because it was the first task we done and I’ve now got the hang of it. I am also quite good with the magic wand and quick selection tools because I also needed them whilst masking. I thought my script writing piece was quite good so i would say i have some good skills in that too, but I could do with a bit more practice.
4) I could use some skills in the future for example if I want to be a magazine cover designer and my skills from the Kanye West and Rihanna magazine covers would help a lot. I could also use my script writing skills if I wanted to be a script writer as I now know how to write a script with the appropriate layout.
5) The skills I need to get better at are how to produce a Double Page Layout and a Three Column Layout because I didn’t do so well on that task and needed quite a bit of help. But I can improve this by making my text boxes accurate sizes, and take my time and try not to rush through it, but I should leave myself a bit of time at the end to edit my work.

Thursday 24 November 2011

this is my finished magazine cover of beyonce, i have finished the writing and ive done the masking correctly i think. i tried to make it more intresting.

Monday 14 November 2011

Kanye west

To produce this piece of work i used the wand to mask the image and i had to mask around kanye west's head and out the writing behind he's head.

Monday 10 October 2011

Get the look.

To create this piece of work i used photoshop. i had to collect images off a website, place them and then mask them with the magic wand/ theb quick selection tool. then i labled it and gave each item a price. this was a page inside a magazine cover. I chose these items because they look well together and stand out. i made sure i used the correct tools.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Beyonce magazine cover

To create this magazine cover i used photoshop, first of all we had to chose an image then place it
Then i masked the image using the wand tool
once i had masked this i added the title and text then changed the colour so it suites the image and does not blend in to the background