Monday 19 March 2012

Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
Infinity Limited
Carly Woollard
Lucy Gauron
Zoe Carr

Project title:
Day Out

A5 pocket-size
Each week with new tips and facts about new activities available

Purpose of Product:
Advertising new leisure activities and ideas to do in your spare time
Each week we will have regular features including
-   Baby’s Day Out
-   Teen Swim (Holding competitions and tournaments
-   Agony Aunt page (embarrassing things that happened to people whist doing leisure activities such as swimming and rock climbing
-    Trips on offer for teenagers only; Including activities such as snowboarding, swimming and ice skating
-   Summer and spring camp; with many activities to enjoy
-   Family days out, with little parks for toddlers and mini picnics
Target Audience:
Our magazine is aimed at families with young kids, teenagers 13-17 and we include many activities for both these audiences. Also in this magazine we include a trip called ‘baby’s day out’ which is for family’s 

This is the proposal i created for the magazine project and this is basically a plan of whats going to happen in our magazine and it is a variety of ideas to put in the magazine.

This is the advertisement for the magazine project, as you can see it relates with the topic the magazine is based on (Lesuire) and it is well organised.
Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
Carly Woollard
Chante Kelie
Zoe Carr
Project title:
Type of Video/Radio programme/Magazine (delete as applicable)
It comes on every morning 9-10 and comes on in the afternoon 3-4.30 On Sundays it comes on at 8-9, there is a magazine which tells you what episodes are on and it also includes little puzzles and quizzes for the children.

Purpose of Product:
To entertain children of a morning and after school, and with each episode there’s always a moral at the end of it. 

Each week we will have different episodes with a moral at the end of each programme so it’s not only fun to watch but educational too.
-   First episode will be about Arthur and his friends getting into all sorts of sticky situations
-   Second episode will be about DW (Arthurs little sister) and her friends also including what each of them are scared of
-   Third episode will include their school life and hobbies, which will also include the audience as they will be able to send in their favourite hobbies and the best or most funniest ones we will use in our next programme
-   The episodes will keep changing throughout every 2 weeks. We will also create different episodes which include every occasion throughout the year

Target Audience:
Our programme is aimed at children aged from 5-12 year olds, and older if you want to watch it, but mainly for 5-12 year olds as it is on in the morning before they start school, and after school so they have something interesting and entertaining to watch.

This is my CBBC proposal on the programme arthur which i edited and sort of made it my own. I set it out in a font which makes it lookb professional and sophisticated.
This is my double page layout which allowed me to import pictures and text. This was so i was able to get used to how to use different tools and i learnt how to import pictures and text.
This is my double page layout which allowed me to import pictures and text. This was so i was able to get used to how to use different tools and i learnt how to import pictures and text.

This is a bit late to upload as this was created september last year; but this is my kelly rowland magazine cover which i have mastheaded and added text. I put the text around the body making sure it does not go over her face or on her neck. I also used coloured fonts that associate with the colours from the picture such as red and black.

Monday 30 January 2012

CARLY sits down at the bus stop. LAUREN sits next to her staring in to space not saying a word.

Are you alright?
LAUREN carries on staring, not saying anything. CARLY looks at her with a worried look.  LAUREN’S eyes fill with tears and start to roll down her face.
LAUREN are you sure you’re alright?
LAUREN finally answers after hesitating.

LAUREN (whispers)
What’s happened?
Why do I always pick the wrong boys that want to hurt me?
CARLY (stands up and hugs Lauren)
LAUREN (starts to cry in CARLY’S arms)
Come on lets go back to mine and you can tell me all about it

Sit down and I’ll get us a box of tissues
                LAUREN (mumbles)
           Right tell me all about it
           Well I’m erm...
           (Looks confused) Go on spit it out
           (Looks down at floor) Well I think I’m pregnant
           Why do you think that?

           Well I keep getting morning sickness
           Well that could happen anyway? You can’t be! You never went               that far did you?!
           (Her eyes fill with tears again) Well it turns out I did
           Oh, and you didn’t think to tell me?
           Well I was going too..
LAUREN I’m your best mate! You can tell me anything! I could of helped you? I could of gone with you to get the pill?!

This is my script piece about two friends and one of them are pregnant.
This is my double page layout.
The tiger appeared at Katy and Russell’s wedding unexpectedly.  Bravely the security chased off the vicious lion. Husband Russell Brand generously bought wife Katy Perry a tiger as a wedding present, which wasn’t vicious or dangerous. Russell and Katy wished to keep their wedding ceremony private, but the magazine and paparazzi wanted to print the photos.  ‘OK’ magazine wasn’t allowed to publish the photos and Katy and Russell want to continue keeping the wedding private, and between themselves. Katy Perry gave her new husband a baby elephant as a token of love.  During their ceremony, they had an unusual fortune telling parrot. Katy Perry wore several outfits during the whole ceremony, showing off all the lovely dresses she had.
The wedding was reported to be the most, very authentic affair. The couple sat in gold wedding thrones, making everybody speechless. The husband and wife bought 1,380 cans of soft drinks and 5,000 bottles of water for the guests. All the wedding guests were the traditional wedding dresses.

This is my Katie and Russells paragraph.